Shopping for an actual instance quote is frustrating yet vital for potential buyers. For American Family Insurance, the Quote Retrieve Form (QRF) frustrated users as they needed clarification when rerouted to an agent via phone instead of an instant online quote.
Working with the internal QRF team, we started with a workshop to identify the problem and goals using a data-driven approach gathering analytics on the traffic, conversion, and other qualifiers to crystalize the pain points.
American Family Insurance receives over 20,000+ quotes via the QRF with a limited product to select from with the potential to convert to an actual sale. The challenge identified is that users sometimes need to learn from the product combinations what will be an online quote or offline to an agent. The goal was to design an experience that curtails confusion with different categories, thus bringing the 55% down to 5% in conversion.
Forced to wait on that call at the end for a surprised agent call, users couldn't schedule the time, date, and agent to talk according to preference. A sense of relief was the expressions by eight out of ten unmoderated users we tested on.
The result is a product that that conquered all the pitfalls of the current product: