Now we've all at some point experienced the varied issues of filling and getting your prescription at your local pharmacy, especially if by a drive-through, and Walgreens is no different. Frustrations were shared by both customers and healthcare professionals in efficiently and correctly finding prescription data. So we teamed up with Walgreens Booth Alliance with an exciting challenge to innovate and transform their patient order system.
We started the process with a workshop to understand the problem, set the desired outcomes & align with the team. Then, using low-fidelity prototypes, we interviewed and tested a pharmacy advisory council to validate our ideas & assumptions of search issues. The interviews revealed that seven out of ten people were excited about the potential app incorporating key features to improve healthcare professional usage.
Walgreens is a pharmacy staple and a data trove for insights. What we unearthed was enlightening - finding patients and orders was challenging. For example, some were incapable of using Date of Birth(DOB), restricted to one parameter, unable to parse hyphenated names, and parsing partial last and first names proved problematic. Henceforth, the goal was to design an experience that helps users parse and produce correct results with varied parameters.
Working closely with the Walgreens team, we accomplished these milestones:
Wanting to refine the search to mimic a famous Google "all in one" search capability, customer interviews revealed that 10 out of 13 people spoke exuberantly, especially with the prefilling and partial entry ability.
In under four months weeks, a more innovative, simple yet sophisticated search application yielded these benefits to health professionals: